Screen Shots
By passing all commands into a viewable/editable log, Quarterstaff allows infinite levels of change and undo within a particular session. With the change log system, a designer can put together site content, then pass the information along to a site manager for approval without having anything written to hard disk. Programmable processes allow the user to write scripts/programs in whatever language they are comfortable in. A simple right-click lets the user easily customize the interface's look and feel. At all times content is generated by dynamic listing of directories or reading files, so sharing processes, profiles, and other items should be fairly painless.
By separating data structures, image groups, html, pages, and other items of a web page, Quarterstaff allows a team of developers to work on a site. The people writing content will not have to be concerned with format. Because the formatting is handled separately, and html fragments can be used in many pages, making changes over large numbers of pages is very easy.
Also, Quarterstaff is able to keep track of elements of a category that are missing. For example, you may want a celebrity to have a name, a list of categories they belong to (thespian, musician, other), a bio, filmography or more. If any of these items are missing, Quarterstaff will not build the celebrity (unless you force it).
Quarterstaff is also capable of automatically creating thumbnails, conforming images to height/width specifications, and passing that information into your html blocks so that if the image size changes it won't be stretched out of shape.
Finally, because Quarterstaff uses simple text files to create files, the sitemaking process can be run entirely from the command line, allowing simple scripting of repetitive content generation (although this feature is not yet fully tested).